This is the start of my new journey. If you have read my about page, you know photography is my passion. I want to share what I love the most about photography, where I have been, and where I want to go.
My first camera was a Polaroid. The sheer gratification of taking a picture and it printing before your eyes got me hooked. I literally took pictures of everything; stuffed animals, cows, dirt, flowers, you name it.
By high school I had a DLSR (digital single-lens reflex camera). For my senior project, I compared film and digital photography. My eyes were open to shooting manual!
God opened the door for me to go through the radiology program at AB-Tech. I have been a radiologic technologist since 2015. X-rays are just another form of photography to me (just on the inside). Brightness and contrast need to be spot on!

I have since been able to pursue my passion in photography. Canon has always been a favorite of mine, especially in low light situations. I want my photos to capture your attention and say wow. I love vivd colors and high contrast images. Currently, I am exploring every aspect of the photography field to see what I love the most. Kids are so much fun to work with. I never feel like it's work. My camera goes with me to all my hobbies. Bowshoots, hunting, and cars shows have been my main ones this year. Cars look best right after sunset!

This past year I have seen my hobby grow and shot my first wedding. Vikki with Victoria Grace Photography has allowed me to shoot with her on several occasions. I have learned so much by shooting weddings with her. My hope for next year is that my small business continues to grow. I can't wait to share memories that will last a life time. Booking weddings for 2018 and 2019!